1907 - 1966 1907 - 2006
Martin Van Digby ("Mart") Pearl Griffin in 1985
Martin Van Digby ("Mart") was born on April 1, 1907 in Santa Anna, Texas (Coleman county). He married Pearl Griffin on December 7, 1929 at the Methodist parsonage in Belton, Texas (Bell county). The minister was Rev. M.D. Council and their witnesses were Rena Griffin and Nan Skinner. Pearl was born on February 15, 1907 in Bell county, Texas east of Salado,Texas. She was at first Methodist, then attended the Disciples of Christ church. She was a teacher in the rural schools of central Texas. Her parents were George Washington Griffin ("G.W.") and Mary Elizabeth House ("Bettie"). Jeannine (Digby) Blair relayed the following information about her father to Billy Blair in 2013:
"My father, Mart Digby, quit school when he was in the ninth grade. His mother, with tears in her eyes, told him that if he wasn't going to go to school, he had to go to work. He did and went to work for D.B. Porter, who owned a feed store (located by the "whister's bench" area now, just east of the Cochran, Blair, & Potts department store). He would have stuff ground up at Summers Mill, then haul grain from Summers Mill to the feed store. D.B. Porter treated Mart more like a son than an employee". Mart Digby worked in a bakery when young, then sold cars in Belton, Texas as an adult. He would get some type of regular food (like a roll) after eating a dessert because he had to have something
"to get the sweet taste out of his mouth". He was also Methodist by faith and then attended the Disciples of Christ church (First Christian Church in Belton) after he and Pearl were married. His parents are William Seaborn Digby ("Will") and Mattie Minerva Wallace ("Mattie"). Jeannine (Digby) Blair said that Mart Digby and Leonard Cosper had a bad wreck on Leonard's Indian motorcycle when they hit the trolley tracks in Belton.
Mart Digby played a deaf and dumb (black-faced) person on stage in the Lions Club Minstrel Shows in Belton, Texas. He never had a speaking part and his stage name was "Rigor Mortis" Digby. Dr. Will Long purchased some honorary bricks on the sidewalk north of the Belton courthouse and dedicated them to five of his good friends in the show. Mart is one of the ones listed. Each brick has their stage name on it
(Note: Insert photos of the bricks as well as images of the show from the old Hood theater on Central Avenue in Belton).
Gale (Digby) Cosper relayed the following to me in September, 2006:
"I saw my father on a Saturday in the hospital. My son Johnny was born in June; my father died in August. Dad told me to 'Take care of that boy'. I had no idea my father was dying. I was about 25 years old at the time. Bill and Mattie Wesson picked up Joe and I that evening to go back to the hospital. I still didn't realize he was dying. Neighbors kept Johnny. My father died that night. Chuck and Sharon Notter stayed with Pearl after Mart died. They lived there with her on 13th street in Belton for five years. They later got divorced, but kept up with Pearl for many years".
Mart died of stomach cancer at Scott & White hospital in Temple, Texas on August 22, 1966 and is buried at North Belton cemetery in Belton, Texas.
In 1997, family members contributed to purchase an honorary brick on the southeast sidewalk of the Belton courthouse.
"Martin - Pearl Digby 12-7-29"
East sidewalk at Belton Courthouse, Bell Co., Texas |
Pearl Digby died on September 4, 2006 in Belton, Texas and is buried alongside Mart, the love of her life. (
Location of their graves: North Belton Cemetery. The plot is straight east of light pole in west line of cemetery about mid-way between two roads that run east & west also. About halfway between last two roads running north & south on west side of cemetery. Information supplied by Glenn Blair to his son Billy). Pearl died on her son Dwayne & JoAnn's 47th wedding anniversary.
Rambling Reflections by Pearl Digby Notes:
(to establish timeline & Life Summary)
Procedure at school: Chores on Monday for the week. Each child had their own drinking cup, but water was in open buckets. Passed from dipper to cups. School began at 9 am. Bell rang, we lined up in front of the building in three lines, one for each room. Saluted the flag, said the Pledge of Allegiance, and marched into the rooms. The roll was called and attendance was taken. Woodrow Wilson was President of the United States.
4th Grade: (page 5 of Pearl's book).This grade was held in the middle room. The teacher was Miss Mabel; she was an extreme disciplinarian who either would hit you with a pine paddle ruler or would make you stand at the blackboard with your nose in a circle (drawn on the blackboard) while you stood on your tip toes. The boys and girls had separate playgrounds. Pearl first noticed Mart Digby, a new boy in school, here. An older cousin of Pearl's managed to pass some notes to Mart from Pearl. After this year in school, Mart's family moved to another community. After Pearl's high school graduation, 3 years of college, and 4 years of teaching, she married Mart Digby. When Pearl was in the 4th grade, her father (G.W. Griffin) was the President of the four member Board of Trustees. There was a threat of a lawsuit against Miss Mabel and she wasn't as mean after that.
8th Grade - High School: Pearl was top of the class in spelling. They had spelling bees on Friday afternoons. Pearl was on the girl's basketball team all four years; they competed with the nearest schools. Once they went to a two-day tournament in Rockdale with several rural Milam county schools. The basketball courts had dirt floors. The Principal had a Model - T Ford. (page 6). The road through Cameron and Rogers was gravel; the road to Val Verde was mud. Coming back from the tournament, the doctor rode out seven miles to Pearl Digby's home. He told Pearl that the fifth girl in her family had just been born
The rest of Pearl's school years at Val Verde were good overall. She was on the debate team. She and Roy Whittington represented the school in debate contests with neighboring schools.
10th Grade - High School graduation: Pearl's graduating class was six students; she was the only girl. The graduation program was held at Val Verde church. They received a sheepskin scroll which was rolled up and tied with a red ribbon. On most Friday afternoons, they had special programs of recitation and singing as well as an occasional box supper or fund raiser. Ice cream supper were held either on the school grounds or at the Val Verde church tabernacle. Val Verde Baptist church was the only church in the community. We would walk to church, then back again for B.Y.P.U., which was a youth service.
In the summer, we would have special Children's Day. We would have practices on Saturdays in July and August when they was not as much farm work. Miss Della Whittington played the pump organ for all of the community services at the tabernacle. Miss Whittington walked five miles to take care of Pearl's mother when she was sick. Della never married. She taught Pearl's two younger sisters piano lesson.
(page 8 of Pearl's book).
Mart & Pearl (Griffin) Digby Residences:
(based on information from Rambling Reflections)
1. Farmhouse close to Salado creek near the Sulphur Springs crossing. Family were tenant farmers.
2. Larger, better farm about one mile from their first home. It was the "Aiken place", about three miles east of Salado, Texas.
3. Spent a few weeks during the summer with John J. & Samantha Jane (Arnold) House, Pearl's grandparents.
4. December, 1914: Grandmother Griffin's place at Val Verde in Milam county, Texas.
(Note: Schools began in October).
5. Baylor Academy in Belton to get approval for courses to go to Rogers, Texas for the last year.
6. Two summers at Baylor Academy.
7. September, 1924: Pearl entered Rogers High School.
8. 1925: Pearl's first year at Southwest Texas State Teacher's College in San Marcos.
Ruth Dalchau was Pearl's roommate in San Marcos (not sure of years). Pearl said, "She was from Caldwell. She went home often. Her folks had a grocery store, so she would bring us food back to school".
9. While teaching at Content School, Pearl and the other teacher rented a room from the Moores. It was 13 miles from Temple and 3/4 s of a mile from Content School.
10. Pearl taught at Bell Plains school.
11. Pearl goes to San Marcos to summer school. She shared an apartment with Ruby Dolehite in Armstrong House, which was nearer the campus.
12. Pearl's second year teaching in Bell Plains. She had room and board with Raith and Fronia McQueen, a short distance from the school and the Methodist church.
13. In June, after leaving Bell Plains, Pearl went to San Marcos for two semesters in summer school.
14. Pearl taught at Val Verde school. She lived at home. The Little river bridge was about a mile away.
15. Pearl received her engagement ring at Christmas.
16. Pearl transferred to Baylor and got an apartment just off of campus (Was "Baylor" really "Mary Hardin Baylor"?).
17. Mart Digby & Pearl Griffin were married on December 9, 1929. At the time, schoolteachers couldn't be married. Mr. Cryer was the President of the School Board. Pearl got permission because she and Mart wanted to get married in December.
18. While finishing out the school year in early May, Pearl spent weekends at Mart's parent's home. A little red, brick building (one room over a root cellar) was Mart's bedroom.
19. A two-bedroom apartment on South Main street in Belton. They bought furniture and got odds & ends from the family. Pearl's first "china cabinet" was two wooden apple boxes nailed together with a flowered curtain across the front.
20. A large house of two apartments shared with friends - Fred & Jollie Whittenburg (where Pearl lived with her family when she was a teenager). The couple fought a lot. This was the Jones/ Beimer Historical Home in Belton, Texas. Mart & Pearl Digby lived in the north apartment and Fred & Jollie Whittenburg lived in the south apartment. All of the upstairs rooms were vacant. They had wonderful neighbors; it was a nice, friendly neighborhood. In 1930, they were expecting their first child (Jeannine). After two months, Fred and Jollie moved away due to another job. There was a big, fenced yard and a barn out back. Mart got a milk cow. They got "Dan", the bulldog; Pearl didn't like him. There was a wide, long stairway in the hallway of the house. In September, Pearl's sister Rena lived with them to finish out High School. On January 22, 1931, Wanda Jeannine Digby was born. Rena graduated and went home.
21. The Great Depression is getting worse. Small, new home on South Pearl street. They could walk to First Christian Church in Belton. Rena came back to live with Mart and Pearl again while training for a Western Union telegraph job. Jeannine got over her three month colic. Mart and Pearl had pleasant memories here. Emmitt Digby gave Jeannine a ride on his trick horse, Grey Buck. A black woman who was carrying an axe rushes into their home. Pearl is pregnant with Mattie, who was born on August 25, 1932. Leonard and Merle (Digby) Cosper move in with Mart and Pearl and shared the rent. Leonard and Mart took odd jobs (digging a well). When it was close to the time of Mattie's birth, Leonard and Merle moved in with Mart's parents. Jeannine is walking good. Mart's parents lived down the street with a large, vacant lot between them. Mattie was born during a hot, dry August.
22. The Great Depression is now in full swing (around May, 1935). Nice little house on Avenue D when Jeannine was 4 1/2 years old and Mattie was three years old. Mart Digby worked at a service station. 1935 was a difficult year. Pearl was pregnant again, which resulted in a stillborn son. Rent was $ 8.00 a month and utilities. Pearl's mother came to help them out at this time. Pearl went through several weeks of depression while recovering. Mart worked seven days a week. Pearl would walk to church with her two girls. Mart and Odell Hyer went to work for Cities Service Oil Company. They had the service station downtown and Mart drove the oil truck to service the other stations in Temple and Belton. Mr. Frank Knowles was their good boss and friend.
23. "The Mitchell house" on North Pearl street. They shared the house with Corrinne and Odell Hyer. The house had two apartments with a wide hallway in between. Mart and Pearl had the north apartment, which was a bit larger than the Hyer's apartment.Odell and Cody had Billy Lewis, who was about 18 months old. Cody worked at the Dry Goods store in town, so Pearl kept Billy Lewis with her two girls. He was very good. They had no problems with Odell and Cody; she was like a sister to Pearl. Mart and Odell would help the railroad bums that hung out around the house. Mart and Pearl enjoyed living here. Loraine Digby was left with three girls on her own. They let her live with them until she could afford a place of her own. Mart and Pearl gave up one of their rooms, which were large. Corrinne and Odell shared their kitchen and bath with her. Several months later, Loraine rented a house two doors down. Mart & Pearl shared a Model A Ford car with Odell & Cody. Mart and Pearl went home to Val Verde once every six weeks. They found out that Pearl's mother had terminal liver cancer. After her death, Mart's father sold the homeplace, the small house among all the elm trees in southwest Belton. Leonard and Merle Cosper bought it. Shortly after they bought it, the kerosene cookstove exploded and burned the house to the ground. They later rebuilt. Rent was $ 15.00 per month. Mr. Mitchell was ready to sell it and Mart/ Pearl couldn't afford to buy it.
24. The Hunt house on "Hungry Hill" across the street from the Beimer/ Jones house where Jeannine was born, still sharing a house with Corrinne and Odell Hyer. All three of Mart and Pearl's kids had whooping cough (includes Billy Lewis). Jeannine swallowed a marble. The house had a pretty back yard with a white picket fence.
In 2006, Pearl Digby related the following:
"Mart and I were visiting Wallace cousins in New Mexico. A dust storm came in, dark and sandy. We couldn't see anything. Mart laughed. We kept driving because they knew where to turn". (Note: This may have been in 1946 when they went with Glenn & Jeannine Blair to visit the Jim Wallace family in New Mexico).
25. 1130 North Beal street in Belton, Texas. They lived here from 1948 to 1962.

Billy Blair drawing based on information from Pearl (Griffin) Digby in late 1970s.
The top of the map faces west.
When the above piano was given to Rita Digby, it took ten men to move it across the street and up the front porch stairs. The piano is about 6' long, 5' tall, and 3' deep. The piano bench does not open. The asking price at the Cowan estate sale was $ 500.00. As I was trying to figure out how to come up with the money, the Cowan family decided to sell it to Billy Cowan, who will keep it in the Cowan family.
According to Pat Digby and Dwayne Digby, Kay, Pat, Gale, and Rita all four slept in the same bed at this home.
The family pet while they lived here was a dog named "Tinkerbell"; sometimes everyone would call her "Tinker" or "Tink".
In 1955, Pearl was in Scott & White hospital in Temple, Texas for three days; room & board at that time at the hospital was $ 10.50 per day.
Information on the back of photographs give some insight as to some of the renters Mart & Pearl allowed to stay in their home while at the Beale street home:
a. Bill & Anise Douglas: had kids Mike (age 5), Billy (3 1/2), and Janie (16 1/2 months). There was also a 1955 picture of Anise Douglas' sister, Mary Ann.
b. Hibbs: had a six week old child named David Lynn.
c. Picture of possible renters in May, 1967.
d. Joey & Denise Scruggs (Peggy Scrugg's kids). (Picture in 1958).
e. The Notters:
Sharon & Nathan (1978) Mindy &
Chuck. They were renters for five years and were with Pearl after Mart died of stomach cancer. They eventually divorced, but kept in contact with Pearl for many years.
26. The home on old Nolanville road in Belton, Texas. This is the house they lived in when Glenn and Jeannine (Digby) Blair eloped.
Billy Blair map based on information from Pearl (Griffin) Digby in the late 1970s.
The top of the map faces north. |
A 17-year old man named Joachin and his wife lived in the apartment behind the windmill at the home on old Nolanville road. Joachin would mow the yard. His wife made fresh tamales.
Misc. Information:
1. Pearl (Griffin) Digby attended Val Verde school and later taught here. Other teachers included Violet White Dolehite, Miss Helen Jennings, and T.F. Cloud.
2. Pearl (Griffin) Digby schooling:
a. Val Verde: grades 1 - 10.
b. Baylor Academy: Summer 1923; Summer 1924.
c. Rogers: Graduated from the 11th grade; they didn't have a 12th grade then.
d. San Marcos: 3 semester terms; also every summer for seven years.
e. Baylor College: one summer (MHB).
3. Schools that Pearl (Griffin) Digby taught at:
a. Content School: (13 miles east of Temple, Texas at the Airville community). It was a two-teacher school and she taught grades 6 - 9. Pearl was the Principal. Pebble Pollard was the other teacher.
b. Bell Plains: (9 miles southwest of Belton, Texas). In 1927 - 1928, she taught grades 5 -8. This also was a two-teacher school. Maurine Wray was the other teacher; Pearl was the principal.
c. Val Verde: 1929 - 1930. This was a four-teacher school. Pearl taught grades 4 - 5; these are the grades that she had always wanted to teach. This was her favorite school. Virgil Chaffin was the principal. The other two teachers were Nan Skinner and Edna Chaffin (Mr. Chaffin's cousin). Pearl coached basketball at Val Verde. Pearl got married in 1929 after the school year.
4. Pearl's address in January, 1979: 600 West 9th street, apt. # 137. Belton, Texas 76513. (by Mary Hardin Baylor campus).
5. Information about husband, Martin Van Digby:
a. He was born in Santa Anna, Texas in Coleman county at home.
b. Schooling: He went to Vilas school at the edge of Bell county, Texas. Grades 1 - 10 (which was the end of schooling available). He then went to work.
c. Mart's interests: He belonged to the Riding Club (His kids had horses). He enjoyed people very much.
d. Mart had solid white hair by the time he was 25-30 years old.
6. Pearl said, "I loved to go bare-footed. I went bare-footed until I was 15 years old. I wish I would have taken better care of my feet. I got splinters in my feet all the time. I would soak my feet in kerosene and then would wrap my feet in skin with a lot of animal fat to draw out the splinters".
Pearl walked 3 miles to church both in the morning and in the evening. She went to the Methodist church in Vilas for a short while. Sometimes they couldn't attend the Methodist church due to the weather.
7. Pearl's sisters graduated from High School at:
a. Georgia: Buckholts.
b. : Academy?
c. : Brookhaven?
d. : Belton
e. : Belton
8. When Mart Digby was 20 years old, he was working in a bakery. There was an explosion. His hair turned white from the shock of the event. The only thing visible was his blistered lips. As Dr. McLanahan was taking the bandages off, he said, "I can't believe you didn't die from this". Mart told Pearl, "That was very encouraging". Ruby Dolehite rode with Pearl to the hospital because G.W. Griffin wouldn't let Pearl go in by herself at night.
9. It took 4 hours to get from Rogers to Content: Ivy, G.W. Griffin, and Pearl were driving in the old Model-T to Rogers to see a friend play in a basketball game. On the way back, the road was so muddy, it was impassable. The mud clogged the wooden spokes. They cleaned out the mud with sticks. Ivy would drive a few yards, then they would have to repeat the process.
10. Mart & Pearl Digby had one of the first TVs in Belton while in their home on Beal street in Belton, Texas. Gale (Digby) Cosper remembers several people coming over on Wednesdays and Fridays to watch boxing on TV. These people included: Johnny & Bonnie Mellon, Johnny Boren, Jack & Betty Killingsworth, and Dude & Pat Wallace. Gale also remembers Johnny Pechal coming over and watching cartoons on Saturday mornings. Some of the popular shows to watch included "The Millionaire", "Bozo the Clown", "Howdy Doody", "Mr Friend Flicka", and "Lassie". Gale said that she and her sister, Rita, went to the local TV station with a group of kids and saw Bozo the Clown.
11. At Southwest Texas State Teacher's College in San Marcos, Pearl Griffin lived at the bottom of the hill on campus. She had to hike up the hill to get to her classes. She had a 7:30 am class because it was cool then. Pearl's roommate was tall and she carried the umbrella for the 1 pm class. It was hard to climb that hill. Pearl would sit at a table with a kerosene lamp doing Algebra.
12. Mattie (Digby) Wesson said that her father, Mart Digby, told her many times that he never wanted gladiolas on his grave. She told Billy Blair this on Easter Sunday, 2002 at First Christian Church in Belton, Texas when she was given a lily, which she was going to place on Mart's grave. Pearl Digby checked with her and made sure that it was not a gladiola.
Pearl (Griffin) Digby High Chair
(Images by Billy Blair - 2004) |
Pearl used this high chair as a child, raised her children in it (and probably many other relatives). Both of Billy and Susan Blair's children used it. Billy had it refinished by a good friend, Woody Bruner. There were several layers of paint (black, red, lime green....) and the chair is made up of 3-4 types of wood. Teeth marks can still be seen on the tray. The chair is now in the possession of Lee & Jeannie (Blair) Pittman.
13. The first time Mart Digby met Pearl Griffin's family: G. W. Griffin pulled Mart Digby's car out of the mud. One time, he couldn't get the car out of the mud with the mules, so he carried Mart home and Mart slept on their couch. It worried Bettie Griffin that Mart was in the same house as Pearl when they weren't married. This story was relayed by Dwayne Digby in 2017.
14. Pearl (Griffin) Digby and Ivy (Griffin) bought a car together at some point in time (Source: Dwayne Digby).
Top Row (left to right): Jeannine (Digby) Blair, Mattie (Digby) Wesson, Gale (Digby) Cosper, Rita (Digby) Locklin.
Bottom Row (left to right): Jewell (Griffin) Elsik; Pearl (Griffin) Digby.
(Image taken at Mandy Blair & Judd Barbour wedding reception. Sugarland, Texas). |
I. Wanda Jeannine Digby ("Jeannine"): (Note: See separate blog post on this family).
She was born on January 22, 1931 at home in Belton, Texas (Bell county). She married Robert Glenn Blair ("Glenn") on February 11, 1947 in Holland, Texas. Glenn died on February 14, 2005. Jeannine lived at Garden Estates assisted living facility in Temple, Texas, but moved into Park Place Nursing Home in Belton in January, 2015.
II. Mattie Elizabeth Digby ("Mattie" or "Mattie Beth"):
%2BWesson.jpg) |
Bill & Mattie (Digby) Wesson |
.jpg) |
Bill Wesson |
Mattie (Digby) Wesson |
Mattie was born on August 25, 1932 at home in Belton, Texas. She graduated in 1949. She married Billy Hays Wesson ("Bill") on June 5, 1950 at the First Christian Church in Belton. They had the following children:
A. Vickie Diane Wesson ("Diane"):
Diane Wesson with a baby chick.
Diane Wesson |
Diane Wesson barrel
racing at Belton's rodeo. |
%2BScott%2Bfamily.jpg) |
Ricky & Diane (Wesson) Scott with
their children, Clent (left) and Blayn. |
Diane's first husband was (1) Ricky Lee Scott ("Ricky"). They had the following children:
1. Clent Zonka Scott ("Clent"): He was born in 1977. He married Alissa ______ , but they have no children.
2. Blayn Clayton Scott ("Blayn"): He was born in 1979. His girlfriend is Lorri Renfrow. They have three children:
a. Nathaniel Gage Scott ("Gage"): He was born in 2009.
b. Zachary Hays Scott ("Zach"): He was born in 2012.
c. (boy).
(Note Lorri Renfrow's first husband was _________ Rodriguez. They had four children:
1. Isaiah Rodriguez: Age 16 as of 2013.
2. Monika Rodriguez: 7th grade as of 2013. Note: The family was in a car on IH 35 around Salado around July 7-8, 2013 and was in a five car wreck. A woman in another car was texting and did not see the wreck. She hit them full speed. Monika was killed and the rest of the family was injured and taken to the hospital. One of the boy's legs were crushed. Monika was 14 years old at the time of the wreck
3. Eric Rodriguez: 6th grade as of 2013.
4. Brendon Rodriguez: 1st-2nd grade as of 2013).
Vickie Diane Wesson's second husband was (2) Mike Pressley. They had the following children:
1. Taylor Pressley: She was born in 1993. Taylor's appendix ruptured and she had surgery on Saturday, August 19, 2017.
B. David Bruce Wesson ("David"):
All of the above pictures are of David Wesson.
Becki & David Wesson with son Brady |
Diane & David Wesson next to O'dell Hyer's gas station in Belton. |
He married Rebeca Rose Walker ("Bekie"). Mr. & Mrs. Prosper Walker are her parents. After attending Belton schools, Bekie attended Temple Junior College and Texas State Technical Institute. She was employed as a savings counselor at First Federal Savings. After attending Belton schools, David attended Temple Junior College. He is a manufacturing engineer at Texas Instruments. David and Bekie had the following children:
1. Brady Hayes Wesson ("Brady"): He was born in 1992. He is getting married in May, 2013 to Bethany Anson.
2. Riley Walker Wesson ("Riley"): He was born in 1997. He likes theater.
III. Martin Dwayne Digby ("Dwayne"): He was born on April 1, 1938 at home in Belton, Texas. It's interesting that he was born on the same day as his father. The following story was told by Dwayne's sister, Gale:
"In Dwayne's high school days, the Dairy Queen was located where the Dominoes Pizza is now. That's where Dwayne had his first wreck. He was trying to do what daddy told him to and not pull out onto Main Street. He went through the alley instead, where he had the wreck". Dwayne told me this story in 2017 about his childhood:
"I shot my sister Mattie in the temple with my childrens bow & arrow when I was riding my bike to the barn. Mattie ran crying to the house". Dwayne graduated in 1957 after flunking one year of school (He said he
"played" in the 4th grade). He married JoAnn York on September 4, 1959 at the First Baptist Church in Lampasas, Texas. She weighed 94 lbs. when they got married. JoAnn has an older brother, Daryl York, and a younger brother named Lonnie York.
%2BDigby%2Bwedding.%2BSept.%2B4%2C%2B1959%2C%2BFirst%2BBaptist%2BChurch%2C%2BLampasas%2C%2BTx..jpg) |
Dwaye & JoAnn (York) Digby wedding reception.
First Baptist Church, Lampassas, Texas. |
Dwayne & JoAnn Digby with daughter, Cindy. |
Dwayne & JoAnn Digby family.
In front yard of Pearl Digby home on
14th street in Belton, Tx. (View is
SE to NW). |
Dwayne & JoAnn Digby with their children: Craig, Cindy (top right) and Dawn. |
Dwayne and JoAnn had the following children:
A. Cindy Jo Digby ("Cindy"): Cindy married (1) Stanley Houston Hanes ("Stan") on a Saturday at First Baptist Church in Belton, Texas. Cindy attended the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor after finishing Belton schools. Stan attended Temple Junior College after finishing Belton schools, then received a music education degree from East Texas State University. They had no children and eventually divorced. Cindy's second husband is (2) Mike Smith. They had the following children:
1. Erin Smith: Born in 1986. Teaches Speech Pathology in an Elementary school in Killeen, Texas. Erin married Joshua ("Josh") Silverman, who has three children, on May 20, 2017 in Academy, Texas.
2. Eric Smith: He was born in 1988. Eric works in a grocery store. He married Haley Waldrep. They had a wedding shower at First Christian Church in Belton, Texas on August 3, 2014. He and Haley have the following children:
a. Brooklyn Smith ("Brook"): She was born in May, 2012.
3. Emily Smith: She was born around 1990. She teaches Special Education in Center, Texas. She married Aaron Edward Lawson. She and her husband are expecting their first child in May, 2017.
B. Martin Craig Digby ("Craig"): He married Penney.
1. Alycia Digby: She was born around 1990.
2. Paige BreAnn Digby: She was born on February 17, 1994.
3. Shelby Digby: She is a sophmore in high school in 2013.
C. Dawn D'Lynn Digby ("Dawn"): She married Brent Giles. They have the following children:
1. Ben Giles: He was a Junior in high school in 2013.
2. Matthew: He was born in 1998.
IV. Mabel Gale Digby ("Gale"):
Gale Digby |
Gale Digby, 1959 |
Gale Cosper on "Seashell" float.
Belton July 4th parade, 1959. |
She was born on April 12, 1941 at home in Belton, Texas. Gale was named after Mr. Norman's wife, "Mabel". Gale hated having Mabel as part of her name, but Pearl and Jeannine said,
"You wouldn't hate it if you knew how sweet this woman was". Gale's first job was working at the Belton Car Mart for her dad.
Gale married Joe Lynn Cosper on June 17, 1960 at the First Christian Church in Belton, Texas; Ray Weatherford performed the ceremony. Jeannie Blair and Carol Beth Roen registered the guests. Billy and Bobby Blair lit the candles. Joe's parents were William Park Cosper ("Bill") and Leigh (Allen) Cosper ("Granny Leigh").
Gale Digby & Joe Cosper at the prom. |
Gale & Joe Cosper |
Gale said that one time, Joe took her to the Temple Municipal Building in Temple, Texas to see Johnny Cash. They went to see several performers there. Gale said that Joe used to tell her "I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't". According to Gale, Joe badly wanted to go to college. His brother Billy went to college and just played around. Joe's father decided they weren't going to send any other kids to college because it was just a waste of money. Verlon Hare used to work with Joe a lot. Verlon and his first wife were good friends with Gale and Joe. Verlon and his first wife divorced and Verlon got custody of his two children. Verlon later re-married. In 1951, Joe was the President of the Salado Jr. Club. A note from 1954 - 1955 said that Joe's nickname was "Cob". Joe died from lung cancer on February 17, 1984 after smoking for many years. Gale said,
"When I began working at Stagecoach Inn in Salado, I had to relearn how to work an adding machine.... I must have said the 's_ _ _' word often because they got me a necklace with that word on it". Joe and Gale had the following children:
A. Johnny Ray Cosper: Gale Cosper said that Johnny Ray's name came from
Johnny Elsik and
Ray Weatherford. Johnny's first wife was (1) Dee Ann Oliver. They got divorced and had no children. Johnny' second wife was (2) Kim Haas. They had the following children:
1. Dylan Cosper: He was born on September 11, 1994.
Johnny Ray's mother relayed a couple of great stories about Johnny:
"Before he and his wife went to Mexico, he went to a tanning booth to get some tan on his legs first". "Johnny Ray took a trip to New York City; this was about the same time as the last Digby reunion at Frank's Lakeview Pavillion in Belton. When he arrived in New York City, everyone carried on about him since he was a Texas cowboy. Some people from the Dominican Republic asked if they could sit at the table next to him. They wanted to buy his cowboy hat and the girls kept wanting to dance with him. Since Johnny loves to dance, he finally danced with one of the older ladies. There was a man who kept following them around taking pictures. Johnny later found out that he was a professional photographer taking pictures of New York City night life for his magazine. Johnny never asked what magazine he was connected with".
B. Marty Jo Cosper: She was born at 11:17 on October 18, 1968 at Kings Daughters Hospital in Temple, Texas. She weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz. and was 20" long. Her doctor was Dr. Denson. Her first husband was (1) Jackie Watkins (Note: His second wife was Emily Montgomery; Emily is 13 years younger than Jackie). Marty Jo and Jackie got divorced, but had the following children:
1. Alfred Jack Watkins Jr ("A.J."): He was born on February 28, 1990. He married Courtney Brock on Saturday, December 13, 2014. The wedding was at the R & J River Ranch (which was formally Sam Dolehite's old homeplace. Now it has a new building). They have the following children:
a. Jax Watkins: He was born on Thursday, May 18, 2017. He weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz. and was 19 1/2" long.
2. Joseph Watkins: He was born on November 14, 1993.
3. Kyler Watkins: She was born on March 30, 1995.
Marty Jo Cosper's second husband was (2) Carl W_________. They got divorced and had no children.
V. Rita Pearl Digby ("Rita"):
Rita Digby |
Rita with chickens at the Dogridge community, Bell Co. Tx. |
Rita Digby, 1958 |
Lloyd & Rita Locklin |
She was born on March 12, 1944 at the hosptial in Belton, Texas. 1962 was her senior year at Belton High School; their mascot is the Belton "Tigers". She married Loyd Wayne Locklin ("Loyd") on June 8, 1963 at the First Christian Church in Belton, Texas; Rev. Walter F. Feay, pastor at First Christian Church performed the ceremony. The wedding was in the church parlor, which was located just inside and to the left of the front door. Loyd paid Rev. Feay $ 5.00 for doing the service, but he gave the money back to him. Rita rode the barrel races in horse shows through the Riding Club (not in the rodeo). She also rode a shovel pulled by a horse/ rider. Rita began working at First National Bank at the Central Avenue location on August 1, 1967. The bank moved to a new location at 300 East 1st street on May 8, 1980. It was re-chartered and the name was changed to First Texas Bank. Rita retired from the bank in March, 2012 after 45 years of service. Loyd died on April 15, 2003 of stomach cancer. They had the following children:
A. Lisa Lynn Locklin ("Lisa"): Lisa was born on a snowy day in Fort Sill, Oklahoma. She married Mark Anders. They divorced.
1. Cory Ryan Anders ("Cory"): He was born on May 16, 1991at Northwest Memorial Hosptial in Houston, Texas. He weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz.
2. Jaci Anders: She was born on December 30, 1994. She married Ethan Hoylek. They had the following children:
a. Laurel Grace Holyk ("Laurel"): She was born on Saturday, September 3, 2016. She weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz. and was 20" long. She was Rita (Digby) Locklin's first great-grandchild.
b. Bayen Ryan Holyk: He weighed 8 lbs. 8 oz. and was 20.25" long.
B. Ricky Kevin Locklin ("Ricky"):
He and Amy LaRue had a daughter named Kristin Carol Anne Locklin ("Kristin") who was born on February 12, 1990. Kristin's companion is Matt Bulls. They have a son together named Cash Bulls, who was born on June 11, 2009.
Ricky Locklin and Jodie Mitchum had the following children:
1. Keilar Locklin: He was born on May 11, 1993. He and Macie had the following child:
(a). Kaison Kevin Locklin: He was born on Friday, June 1, 2018. He weighed 6 lbs. and was 18 1/2" long.
Kaison Kevin Locklin |
2. Brenton Locklin: He was born on August 5, 1994. He married a girl named Keiko. They had the following children:
(a). Kelby Nicole Locklin: She was born on Tuesday, April 4, 2017 about 4:25 am. She weighed 7 lbs. 1 oz. and was 19 1/2" long.
Ricky's first wife was Anjee Taylor. Her first husband was Jeff Edds. She and Jeff had the following children: (a). Madison, a daughter who was born on March 25, 1994 and (b). Philip, a son born on February 19, 1996. Ricky Locklin and Anjee had the following children:
1. Kolby Locklin: He was born on November 12, 1998.
2. Konner Locklin: He was born on August 25, 2003.
(In January, 2017, Rita Locklin stated that Ricky and Anjee got custody of their 3-year old granddaughter, Presley, and her 5-year old half brother Carter).
C. Michael Jay Locklin ("Michael"): He married Melissa Hinds. They divorced after having one child:
1. Jessica Locklin: She was born on July 13, 1997.
Michael's second wife was (2) Donna Strickland. Donna's first husband was Lance Mungia (?). They had a son named Garrett, who was born on February 20, 1990. Garrett's last name was changed to Locklin when he was about twelve years old. Donna and Michael had other children as of 2013.
D. Bradley Wayne Locklin ("Bradley"): He married Jennifer Beach ("Jen"). They have the following children:
1. Kade Locklin: He was born on October 5, 2002.
2. Brooke Locklin: She was born on January 24, 2006.
3. Landry Leigh Locklin: She was born at 4:43 am on August 22, 2015. She weighed 6 lbs. 2 oz. and was 19 1/2 " long.
1. Pearl Digby: 1979; May 11, 1980; August 3, 1994; January 2, 1999; September 5, 1999l; August 19, 2006.
2. Jeannine (Digby) Blair: July 26, 2006; April 14, 2013.
3. Mattie (Digby) Wesson.
4. Dwayne Digby.
5. Gale (Digby) Cosper: October 6, 2005; November 12-13, 2005; July 26, 2006; September, 2006; February 11, 2007; July 19, 2007; June 21, 2008.
6. Rita (Digby) Locklin. Misc. conversations; July, 2006; Discussion in January, 2013.
Rambling Reflections by Pearl (Griffin) Digby
8. Dwayne & JoAnn Digby: Discussion in January, 2013.
9. Rita (Digby) Locklin: Conversation with Billy Blair on January 5, 2013 regarding the history of "The Belton Car Mart" and her participation in Riding Club events.
Country Schools Around Holland by James R. Persky & John Dagere (page 105).
The Belton Journal newspaper photo dated Tuesday, April 2, 1970 (Dwayne Digby and rattlesnake).
12. Billy Blair, February 11, 2007.
13. Mattie (Digby) Wesson conversation in April, 2002.
14. 1951 Boys 4-H Club Handbook (regarding Joe Cosper being President of the Salado Jr. Club).
15. Pat Digby and Dwayne Digby: September, 2006.
16. Information off the back of photographs identified some of the renters Mart & Pearl Digby had at their home on Beal street in Belton, Texas.
17. Info. from a card from the hospital on the day of Marty Jo Cosper's birth (her birth information).
18. Rita Locklin post on Facebook regarding the birth information of Landry Lee Locklin.
19. Rita (Digby) Locklin post on Facebook on November 13, 2015 regarding her employment at First National Bank in Belton and the move to the bank's new location on East 1st street in 1980.
20. Rita (Digby) Locklin post on Facebook that Laurel Grace Holyk, daughter of Jaci & Ethan Holyk, was born on September 3, 2016 (Rita's great-granddaughter).
21. Note on Facebook regarding Erin Smith's upcoming wedding to Joshua Silverman.
22, Note from Rita (Digby) Locklin on April 4, 2017 on Facebook about the birt of Kelby Locklin.
23. Dwayne Digby: story of how Mart Digby first met Pearl's family. Told at a family gathering in September, 2017 at Mattie (Digby) Wesson's apartment in Belton, Texas. Dwayne Digby, Mattie Digby, Gale (Digby) Cosper, Rita (Digby) Locklin, Jeannie (Blair) Pittman, and Billy & Susan Blair were in attendance.
24. Gale (Digby) Cosper: Note on Facebook about her first job. June 12, 2020.